module Main where import Data.Bool (bool) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.List (stripPrefix, isPrefixOf, findIndex, genericIndex) import Data.Char (ord) import Data.Word (Word8) import qualified Data.ByteString as B import Transform animate :: [(String, Transform -> Transform)] -> String -> [String] animate a s = map svg $ scanl (flip applyAnim) (parseInput s) $ map (:[]) a paint :: String -> String paint = svg . parseInput ----- -- Animating drawings -- At first, I misinterpreted the assignment: I thought the first argument to animate were -- a map from id to transform function; and animate should produce an infinite list, -- where each element is another step of applying all animator functions to the drawing. -- But for an idea I have for the Wettbewerb, this behaviour is rather useful. -- This is why the following code is written the way it is. applyAnim :: [(String, Transform -> Transform)] -> Drawing -> Drawing applyAnim a (Drawing gs) = Drawing $ map (applyAnimGroup a) gs applyAnimGroup :: [(String, Transform -> Transform)] -> Group -> Group applyAnimGroup a (Group shapes id tr) = Group (map (applyAnimShape a) shapes) id $ applyAnimTransform id a tr applyAnimShape :: [(String, Transform -> Transform)] -> Shape -> Shape applyAnimShape a (Shape t d1 d2 id tr) = Shape t d1 d2 id $ applyAnimTransform id a tr applyAnimTransform :: String -> [(String, Transform -> Transform)] -> Transform -> Transform applyAnimTransform i = fromMaybe id . lookup i ----- -- Input parsing parseInput :: String -> Drawing parseInput s = Drawing $ parseGroups (lines s) [] -- First argument: remaining lines. -- Second argument: parsed groups so far, in reverse order. (head is the "active" group) -- Result: The parsed groups, in correct order. parseGroups :: [String] -> [Group] -> [Group] parseGroups [] gs = reverse gs parseGroups (l:ls) gs = case parseGroup l of Just gid -> parseGroups ls $ (Group [] gid defaultTransform):gs Nothing -> case gs of [] -> error "First input line has to be a group line" ((Group shapes gid tr):gs) -> case parseShape $ words l of Nothing -> error $ "Illegal line: \"" ++ l ++ "\"" Just s -> parseGroups ls $ (Group (s:shapes) gid tr):gs parseGroup :: String -> Maybe String parseGroup l = maybe Nothing (\g -> if g == [] then Nothing else if last g == ':' then Just $ init g else Nothing) $ stripPrefix "group " l parseShape :: [String] -> Maybe Shape parseShape (["rectangle",id,ws,hs]) = Just $ Shape Rectangle (read ws) (read hs) id defaultTransform parseShape (["ellipse",id,rxs,rys]) = Just $ Shape Ellipse (read rxs) (read rys) id defaultTransform parseShape _ = Nothing ----- -- SVG representation and serializing -- I wanted to keep a more "human-readable" Show instance for my data types than their SVG representation class SVG a where svg :: a -> String instance SVG Transform where svg Transform {rotate=rotate, scale=(sx,sy), translate=(tx,ty)} = "rotate(" ++ (show rotate) ++ ") scale(" ++ (show $ sx) ++ " " ++ (show $ sy) ++ ") translate(" ++ (show tx) ++ " " ++ (show ty) ++ ")" data ShapeType = Rectangle | Ellipse deriving (Eq, Show) -- TODO much duplication ahead... data Shape = Shape ShapeType Double Double String Transform deriving (Eq, Show) instance SVG Shape where svg (Shape Rectangle w h ident transform) = "" svg (Shape Ellipse rx ry ident transform) = "" data Group = Group [Shape] String Transform deriving (Eq, Show) instance SVG Group where svg (Group shapes ident transform) = "" ++ (concatMap svg shapes) ++ "" newtype Drawing = Drawing [Group] instance SVG Drawing where svg (Drawing groups) = "" ++ concatMap svg groups ++ "" svgWithViewBox x y w h (Drawing groups) = "" ++ concatMap svg groups ++ "" ----- -- My Wettbewerb submission {-WETT-} -- Using m3x6 by Daniel Linssen ( -- To run: -- Just call main. A BMP file called "out.bmp" will be created. -- Try to guess what this file contains before opening it :) -- Note that the program does not use IO operations (except of course in main for writing the output file) main :: IO () main = B.writeFile "out.bmp" submissionBMP submissionBMP = toBMP [(255,255,255), (0,0,0), (127,127,127), (0,200,0), (0,0,255), (255,127,0), (255,0,255), (0,200,255), (127,0,127)] $ textToField (syntaxHighlight programSource) programSource programSource = (take markerIndex programSourcePre) ++ (splitIntoLines $ escape programSourcePre) ++ (drop (markerIndex + 6) programSourcePre) markerIndex = fromMaybe (error "Marker not found") $ indexOf ("MAR"++"KER") programSourcePre -- Synatx highlighting -- Generates a list of colors for each char, compatible with textToField -- 1: default -- 2: comments -- 3: strings and chars -- 4: ints -- 5: identifiers of functions / constants -- 6: identifiers of classes / types / constructors / constraints -- 7: keywords -- 8: built-ins syntaxHighlight :: String -> [Integer] syntaxHighlight = let digits = "0123456789" hexDgt = "0123456789abcdefABCDEF" id1St = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" id2St = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" idPart = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_" kwords = ["module", "where", "import", "qualified", "let", "in", "instance", "if", "then", "else", "case", "of", "deriving", "data", "newtype", "type"] builtin = ["bool", "fromMaybe", "stripPrefix", "isPrefixOf", "findIndex", "genericIndex", "ord", "map", "scanl", "flip", "lookup", "lines", "reverse", "words", "error", "maybe", "last", "init", "stripPrefix", "read", "show", "concatMap", "writeFile", "take", "drop", "length", "splitAt", "otherwise", "replicate", "maximum", "null", "fromIntegral", "head", "concat", "div", "pack", "divMod"] -- TODO make the following code shorter -- States: -- 0: default -- 1: in line comment -- 2: in multiline comment -- 3: in a string -- 4: in a string; next char escaped -- 5: in a char -- 6: in a char; next char escaped -- 7: in an identifier of functions / constants -- 8: in an identifier of classes / types / constructors / constraints -- 9: in a hex number aux :: Integer -> String -> [Integer] aux _ "" = [] aux 0 ('-':'-':s) = 2:2 : aux 1 s aux 0 ('{':'-':s) = 2:2 : aux 2 s aux 0 ('"' :s) = 3 : aux 3 s aux 0 ('\'' :s) = 3 : aux 5 s aux 0 ('0':'x':s) = 4:4 : aux 9 s aux 0 ('a':'s':' ':'B':'\n':s) = 7:7:1:6:1:aux 0 s aux 0 f@(c :s) = case firstPrefixOfNotFollowedBy kwords idPart f of Just p -> (replicate (length p) 7) ++ (aux 0 (drop (length p) f)) Nothing -> case firstPrefixOfNotFollowedBy builtin idPart f of Just p -> (replicate (length p) 8) ++ (aux 0 (drop (length p) f)) Nothing -> if elem c digits then 4 : aux 0 s else if elem c id1St then 5 : aux 7 s else if elem c id2St then 6 : aux 8 s else 1 : aux 0 s aux 1 ('\n' :s) = 2 : aux 0 s aux 1 (c :s) = 2 : aux 1 s aux 2 ('-':'}':s) = 2:2 : aux 0 s aux 2 (c :s) = 2 : aux 2 s aux 3 ('"' :s) = 3 : aux 0 s aux 3 ('\\' :s) = 3 : aux 4 s aux 3 (c :s) = 3 : aux 3 s aux 4 (c :s) = 3 : aux 3 s aux 5 ('\'' :s) = 3 : aux 0 s aux 5 ('\\' :s) = 3 : aux 6 s aux 5 (c :s) = 3 : aux 5 s aux 6 (c :s) = 3 : aux 5 s aux 7 f@(c :s) | elem c idPart = 5 : aux 7 s | otherwise = aux 0 f aux 8 f@(c :s) | elem c idPart = 6 : aux 8 s | otherwise = aux 0 f aux 9 f@(c :s) | elem c hexDgt = 4 : aux 9 s | otherwise = aux 0 f in aux 0 -- BMP files -- color = (red, greeen, blue) (no alpha) type Color = (Word8, Word8, Word8) type Palette = [Color] -- image = [rows]; row = [0-based palette index] type Image = [[Integer]] toBMP :: Palette -> Image -> B.ByteString toBMP pal img = let height = length img width = if height == 0 then 0 else length (head img) paletteEntries = length pal bitsPerPixel | paletteEntries <= 2 = 1 | paletteEntries <= 16 = 4 | paletteEntries <= 256 = 8 | otherwise = 24 paletteLength | bitsPerPixel == 1 = 2 * 3 | bitsPerPixel == 4 = 16 * 3 | bitsPerPixel == 8 = 256 * 3 | bitsPerPixel == 24 = 0 paletteData = if bitsPerPixel == 24 then [] else align paletteLength 0 (concatMap (\(r,g,b) -> [b,g,r]) pal) scanlineMapF row | bitsPerPixel == 1 = map (decodeBaseBE 2) $ chunk 8 $ align 8 0 row | bitsPerPixel == 4 = map (decodeBaseBE 16) $ chunk 2 $ align 2 0 row | bitsPerPixel == 8 = map fromIntegral row | bitsPerPixel == 24 = concatMap (\(r,g,b) -> [b,g,r]) $ map (genericIndex pal) row scanlinesDataUnaligned = map scanlineMapF $ reverse img bitmapData = concat $ map (align 4 0) scanlinesDataUnaligned bitmapOffset = 26 + paletteLength totalSize = bitmapOffset + (div ((div (bitsPerPixel * width * height + 7) 8) + 3) 4) * 4 in B.pack $ concat [ -- BMP 2 header wordLE 0x4D42, dwordLE totalSize, wordLE 0, wordLE 0, dwordLE bitmapOffset, -- Bitmap header dwordLE 12, wordLE width, wordLE height, wordLE 1, wordLE bitsPerPixel, -- palette data (if any) paletteData, -- bitmap data bitmapData] wordLE = nBytesLE 2 dwordLE = nBytesLE 4 nBytesLE :: Integral a => a -> a -> [Word8] nBytesLE bits = let aux 0 _ = [] aux b i = (fromIntegral i) : (aux (b-1) (div i 256)) in aux bits -- Font helper -- [colors for each char] -> string to render -> field of colors, 0 for background textToField :: [Integer] -> String -> [[Integer]] textToField c s = let zipFirstNWith :: (a -> b -> b) -> [a] -> [b] -> [b] zipFirstNWith f = let aux [] bs = bs aux (a:as) (b:bs) = (f a b) : (aux as bs) in aux prependText :: [Integer] -> String -> [[Integer]] -> [[Integer]] prependText _ "" r = r prependText ( _:cols) ('\n':t) r = prependText cols t $ [0] : (replicate lettersH [0]) ++ r prependText (col:cols) (c :t) r = prependText cols t $ zipFirstNWith (:) (replicate lettersH 0) $ zipFirstNWith (++) (map (map $ bool 0 col) $ decodeLetter c) r fieldUnaligned = [0] : (prependText (reverse c) (reverse s) $ replicate (lettersH+1) [0]) width = maximum $ map length fieldUnaligned in map (align width 0) fieldUnaligned decodeLetter :: Char -> [[Bool]] decodeLetter c = let decodeLetterAux :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [[Bool]] decodeLetterAux x y b = let (d,r) = divMod b 2 (s:t) = if x /= (letterW c) - 1 then decodeLetterAux (x+1) y d else if y /= lettersH - 1 then []:(decodeLetterAux 0 (y+1) d) else [[]] in ((r /= 0):s):t in decodeLetterAux 0 0 $ lettersB !! letterI c letterI :: Char -> Int letterI c = fromMaybe (error ("Did not find '" ++ c : "' in the font")) $ findIndex (==ord c) lettersC letterW :: Char -> Int letterW c = lettersW !! letterI c -- String manipulation splitIntoLines :: String -> String splitIntoLines s = if length s < 150 then s else (let correctEscapes :: (String, String) -> (String, String) correctEscapes (a,b) | last a == '\\' = correctEscapes (init a, '\\':b) | otherwise = (a,b) (a, b) = correctEscapes $ splitAt 150 s in a ++ "\" ++\n \"" ++ (splitIntoLines b)) escape :: String -> String escape = concatMap (\c -> if c == '\\' then "\\\\" else if c == '"' then "\\\"" else if c == '\n' then "\\n" else [c]) -- Helper functions decodeBaseBE :: (Integral a, Integral b) => b -> [a] -> b decodeBaseBE b = let aux r [] = r aux r (d:ds) = aux (r * b + fromIntegral d) ds in aux 0 indexOf :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Maybe Int indexOf a [] = Nothing indexOf a (b:bs) = if isPrefixOf a (b:bs) then Just 0 else maybe Nothing (Just . (+1)) (indexOf a bs) align :: Integral a => a -> b -> [b] -> [b] align a d = let aux i as | a == i = aux 0 as | null as = if i == 0 then [] else d : aux (i+1) [] | otherwise = let (f:t) = as in f : aux (i+1) t in aux 0 chunk :: Integral a => a -> [b] -> [[b]] chunk _ [] = [] chunk c as = let aux i as | c == i = if null as then [[]] else ([] : aux 0 as) | null as = [[]] | otherwise = let (f:t) = as; (r:rs) = aux (i+1) t in (f:r):rs in aux 0 as firstPrefixOfNotFollowedBy :: Eq a => [[a]] -> [a] -> [a] -> Maybe [a] firstPrefixOfNotFollowedBy [] _ _ = Nothing firstPrefixOfNotFollowedBy (b:bs) n as = if isPrefixOf b as && not (elem (head (drop (length b) as)) n) then Just b else firstPrefixOfNotFollowedBy bs n as -- Constants lettersH = 8 lettersC = [32, 97, 65, 98, 66, 99, 67, 100, 68, 101, 69, 102, 70, 103, 71, 104, 72, 105, 73, 106, 74, 107, 75, 108, 76, 109, 77, 110, 78, 111, 79, 112, 80, 113, 81, 114, 82, 115, 83, 116, 84, 117, 85, 118, 86, 119, 87, 120, 88, 121, 89, 122, 90, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 33, 63, 44, 46, 59, 58, 39, 34, 47, 124, 92, 95, 40, 41, 91, 93, 123, 125, 60, 62, 64, 35, 36, 38, 43, 45, 42, 61, 94, 176, 37, 167] lettersW = [3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 3, 2, 3, 3, 3, 2, 3, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 1, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 3, 5, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3] lettersB = [0, 253208, 187374, 252761, 252907, 234096, 234062, 252788, 121707, 204656, 234191, 77460, 37582, 7592816, 252494, 187225, 187373, 61, 238743, 27298, 117031, 186185, 187117, 2389, 234057, 727373152, 593155759, 187224, 187243, 121712, 121710, 2481016, 37615, 9689968, 1170286, 37488, 187119, 118384, 117198, 75218, 74903, 252776, 252781, 88936, 88941, 358274592, 358274737, 185704, 185517, 7560040, 75117, 234808, 234663, 121710, 238746, 234787, 116963, 149933, 116943, 219854, 75047, 121518, 118123, 47, 66851, 96, 32, 100, 36, 3, 45, 38052, 63, 148617, 229376, 9558, 6825, 13655, 15019, 1122964, 338065, 139936, 43144, 1008654126, 368389098, 642674, 748325026, 11904, 3584, 21824, 29120, 336, 170, 136456, 949198] programSourcePre = "module Exercise_13 where\n\nimport Data.Bool (bool)\nimport Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)\nimport Data.List (stripPrefix, isPrefixOf, findIndex, genericIndex" ++ ")\nimport Data.Char (ord)\nimport Data.Word (Word8)\nimport qualified Data.ByteString as B\nimport Transform\n\nanimate :: [(String, Transform -> Tran" ++ "sform)] -> String -> [String] \nanimate a s = map svg $ scanl (flip applyAnim) (parseInput s) $ map (:[]) a\n\npaint :: String -> String\npaint = svg " ++ ". parseInput\n\n\n-----\n-- Animating drawings\n\n-- At first, I misinterpreted the assignment: I thought the first argument to animate were\n-- a map" ++ " from id to transform function; and animate should produce an infinite list,\n-- where each element is another step of applying all animator functions" ++ " to the drawing.\n-- But for an idea I have for the Wettbewerb, this behaviour is rather useful.\n-- This is why the following code is written the way" ++ " it is.\n\napplyAnim :: [(String, Transform -> Transform)] -> Drawing -> Drawing\napplyAnim a (Drawing gs) = Drawing $ map (applyAnimGroup a) gs\n\nap" ++ "plyAnimGroup :: [(String, Transform -> Transform)] -> Group -> Group\napplyAnimGroup a (Group shapes id tr) = Group (map (applyAnimShape a) shapes) id" ++ " $ applyAnimTransform id a tr\n\napplyAnimShape :: [(String, Transform -> Transform)] -> Shape -> Shape\napplyAnimShape a (Shape t d1 d2 id tr) = Shap" ++ "e t d1 d2 id $ applyAnimTransform id a tr\n\napplyAnimTransform :: String -> [(String, Transform -> Transform)] -> Transform -> Transform\napplyAnimTr" ++ "ansform i = fromMaybe id . lookup i\n\n\n-----\n-- Input parsing\n\nparseInput :: String -> Drawing\nparseInput s = Drawing $ parseGroups (lines s) []" ++ "\n\n-- First argument: remaining lines.\n-- Second argument: parsed groups so far, in reverse order. (head is the \"active\" group)\n-- Result: The pa" ++ "rsed groups, in correct order.\nparseGroups :: [String] -> [Group] -> [Group]\nparseGroups [] gs = reverse gs\nparseGroups (l:ls) gs = case parseGroup" ++ " l of\n Just gid -> parseGroups ls $ (Group [] gid defaultTransform):gs\n Nothing -> case gs of\n [] -> error \"First input line has to be a grou" ++ "p line\"\n ((Group shapes gid tr):gs) -> case parseShape $ words l of\n Nothing -> error $ \"Illegal line: \\\"\" ++ l ++ \"\\\"\"\n Just" ++ " s -> parseGroups ls $ (Group (s:shapes) gid tr):gs\n\nparseGroup :: String -> Maybe String\nparseGroup l = maybe Nothing (\\g -> if g == [] then Noth" ++ "ing else if last g == ':' then Just $ init g else Nothing) $ stripPrefix \"group \" l\n\nparseShape :: [String] -> Maybe Shape\nparseShape ([\"rectang" ++ "le\",id,ws,hs]) = Just $ Shape Rectangle (read ws) (read hs) id defaultTransform\nparseShape ([\"ellipse\",id,rxs,rys]) = Just $ Shape Ellipse (read r" ++ "xs) (read rys) id defaultTransform\nparseShape _ = Nothing\n\n\n-----\n-- SVG representation and serializing\n\n-- I wanted to keep a more \"human-rea" ++ "dable\" Show instance for my data types than their SVG representation\nclass SVG a where\n svg :: a -> String\n\ninstance SVG Transform where\n svg " ++ "Transform {rotate=rotate, scale=(sx,sy), translate=(tx,ty)} = \"rotate(\" ++ (show rotate) ++\n \") scale(\" ++ (show $ sx) ++ \" \" ++ (show $ sy)" ++ " ++ \") translate(\" ++ (show tx) ++ \" \" ++ (show ty) ++ \")\"\n\ndata ShapeType = Rectangle | Ellipse\n deriving (Eq, Show)\n\n-- TODO much duplic" ++ "ation ahead...\n\ndata Shape = Shape ShapeType Double Double String Transform \n deriving (Eq, Show)\ninstance SVG Shape where\n svg (Shape Rectangl" ++ "e w h ident transform) =\n \"\"\n s" ++ "vg (Shape Ellipse rx ry ident transform) =\n \"\"\n\ndata Group = Group [Shape] String Transform\n deriving (Eq, Show)\ninstance SVG Group where\n svg (Group shapes ident transform)" ++ " =\n \"\" +" ++ "+ (concatMap svg shapes) ++ \"\"\n\nnewtype Drawing = Drawing [Group]\ninstance SVG Drawing where\n svg (Drawing groups) =\n \"\" ++\n concatMap svg groups ++\n \"\"\nsvgWithViewBox x y w h (Drawing groups) =\n \"\" ++\n concatMap svg g" ++ "roups ++\n \"\"\n\n\n-----\n-- My Wettbewerb submission\n\n{-WETT-}\n-- Using m3x6 by Daniel Linssen (\n\n-- To r" ++ "un:\n-- Just call main. A BMP file called \"out.bmp\" will be created.\n-- Try to guess what this file contains before opening it :)\n-- Note that the" ++ " program does not use IO operations (except of course in main for writing the output file)\n\nmain :: IO ()\nmain = B.writeFile \"out.bmp\" submission" ++ "BMP\n\nsubmissionBMP = toBMP [(255,255,255), (0,0,0), (127,127,127), (0,200,0), (0,0,255), (255,127,0), (255,0,255), (0,200,255), (127,0,127)] $ textT" ++ "oField (syntaxHighlight programSource) programSource\n\nprogramSource = (take markerIndex programSourcePre) ++ (splitIntoLines $ escape programSourceP" ++ "re) ++ (drop (markerIndex + 6) programSourcePre)\n\nmarkerIndex = fromMaybe (error \"Marker not found\") $ indexOf (\"MAR\"++\"KER\") programSourcePre" ++ "\n\n-- Synatx highlighting\n\n-- Generates a list of colors for each char, compatible with textToField\n-- 1: default\n-- 2: comments\n-- 3: strings a" ++ "nd chars\n-- 4: ints\n-- 5: identifiers of functions / constants\n-- 6: identifiers of classes / types / constructors / constraints\n-- 7: keywords\n-" ++ "- 8: built-ins\nsyntaxHighlight :: String -> [Integer]\nsyntaxHighlight = let\n digits = \"0123456789\"\n hexDgt = \"0123456789abcdefABCDEF\"" ++ "\n id1St = \"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\"\n id2St = \"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\"\n idPart = \"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMN" ++ "OPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_\"\n kwords = [\"module\", \"where\", \"import\", \"qualified\", \"let\", \"in\", \"instance\", \"if\", \"then\", \"else\"," ++ " \"case\", \"of\", \"deriving\", \"data\", \"newtype\", \"type\"]\n builtin = [\"bool\", \"fromMaybe\", \"stripPrefix\", \"isPrefixOf\", \"findInde" ++ "x\", \"genericIndex\", \"ord\", \"map\", \"scanl\", \"flip\", \"lookup\", \"lines\", \"reverse\",\n \"words\", \"error\", \"maybe\", \"last\", \"" ++ "init\", \"stripPrefix\", \"read\", \"show\", \"concatMap\", \"writeFile\", \"take\", \"drop\", \"length\", \"splitAt\", \"otherwise\",\n \"replic" ++ "ate\", \"maximum\", \"null\", \"fromIntegral\", \"head\", \"concat\", \"div\", \"pack\", \"divMod\"]\n -- TODO make the following code shorter\n " ++ " -- States:\n -- 0: default\n -- 1: in line comment\n -- 2: in multiline comment\n -- 3: in a string\n -- 4: in a string; next char esc" ++ "aped\n -- 5: in a char\n -- 6: in a char; next char escaped\n -- 7: in an identifier of functions / constants\n -- 8: in an identifier of " ++ "classes / types / constructors / constraints\n -- 9: in a hex number\n aux :: Integer -> String -> [Integer]\n aux _ \"\" = []\n aux 0 ('-" ++ "':'-':s) = 2:2 : aux 1 s\n aux 0 ('{':'-':s) = 2:2 : aux 2 s\n aux 0 ('\"' :s) = 3 : aux 3 s\n aux 0 ('\\'' :s) = 3 : aux 5 s\n a" ++ "ux 0 ('0':'x':s) = 4:4 : aux 9 s\n aux 0 ('a':'s':' ':'B':'\\n':s) = 7:7:1:6:1:aux 0 s\n aux 0 f@(c :s) = case firstPrefixOfNotFollowedBy kwo" ++ "rds idPart f of\n Just p -> (replicate (length p) 7) ++ (aux 0 (drop (length p) f))\n Nothing -> case firstPrefixOfNotFollow" ++ "edBy builtin idPart f of\n Just p -> (replicate (length p) 8) ++ (aux 0 (drop (length p) f))\n Nothing ->\n if e" ++ "lem c digits then 4 : aux 0 s else\n if elem c id1St then 5 : aux 7 s else\n if elem c id2St then 6 : aux 8 s else 1 : aux" ++ " 0 s\n aux 1 ('\\n' :s) = 2 : aux 0 s\n aux 1 (c :s) = 2 : aux 1 s\n aux 2 ('-':'}':s) = 2:2 : aux 0 s\n aux 2 (c :s) = 2 " ++ " : aux 2 s\n aux 3 ('\"' :s) = 3 : aux 0 s\n aux 3 ('\\\\' :s) = 3 : aux 4 s\n aux 3 (c :s) = 3 : aux 3 s\n aux 4 (c " ++ " :s) = 3 : aux 3 s\n aux 5 ('\\'' :s) = 3 : aux 0 s\n aux 5 ('\\\\' :s) = 3 : aux 6 s\n aux 5 (c :s) = 3 : aux 5 s\n aux " ++ "6 (c :s) = 3 : aux 5 s\n aux 7 f@(c :s)\n | elem c idPart = 5 : aux 7 s\n | otherwise = aux 0 f\n aux 8 f@(c " ++ ":s)\n | elem c idPart = 6 : aux 8 s\n | otherwise = aux 0 f\n aux 9 f@(c :s)\n | elem c hexDgt = 4 : aux 9 s\n " ++ " | otherwise = aux 0 f\n in aux 0\n\n-- BMP files\n\n-- color = (red, greeen, blue) (no alpha)\ntype Color = (Word8, Word8, Word8)\ntype Pa" ++ "lette = [Color]\n-- image = [rows]; row = [0-based palette index]\ntype Image = [[Integer]]\n\ntoBMP :: Palette -> Image -> B.ByteString\ntoBMP pal im" ++ "g = let\n height = length img\n width = if height == 0 then 0 else length (head img)\n paletteEntries = length pal\n bitsPerPixel\n |" ++ " paletteEntries <= 2 = 1 \n | paletteEntries <= 16 = 4 \n | paletteEntries <= 256 = 8\n | otherwise = 24\n palette" ++ "Length\n | bitsPerPixel == 1 = 2 * 3\n | bitsPerPixel == 4 = 16 * 3\n | bitsPerPixel == 8 = 256 * 3\n | bitsPerPixel == 24 = 0\n" ++ " paletteData = if bitsPerPixel == 24 then [] else align paletteLength 0 (concatMap (\\(r,g,b) -> [b,g,r]) pal)\n scanlineMapF row\n | bitsP" ++ "erPixel == 1 = map (decodeBaseBE 2) $ chunk 8 $ align 8 0 row\n | bitsPerPixel == 4 = map (decodeBaseBE 16) $ chunk 2 $ align 2 0 row\n |" ++ " bitsPerPixel == 8 = map fromIntegral row\n | bitsPerPixel == 24 = concatMap (\\(r,g,b) -> [b,g,r]) $ map (genericIndex pal) row\n scanlinesD" ++ "ataUnaligned = map scanlineMapF $ reverse img\n bitmapData = concat $ map (align 4 0) scanlinesDataUnaligned\n bitmapOffset = 26 + paletteLength" ++ "\n totalSize = bitmapOffset + (div ((div (bitsPerPixel * width * height + 7) 8) + 3) 4) * 4\n in B.pack $ concat [\n -- BMP 2 header\n wordL" ++ "E 0x4D42, dwordLE totalSize, wordLE 0, wordLE 0, dwordLE bitmapOffset,\n -- Bitmap header\n dwordLE 12, wordLE width, wordLE height, wordLE 1, w" ++ "ordLE bitsPerPixel,\n -- palette data (if any)\n paletteData,\n -- bitmap data\n bitmapData]\n\nwordLE = nBytesLE 2\ndwordLE = nBytesLE 4" ++ "\n\nnBytesLE :: Integral a => a -> a -> [Word8]\nnBytesLE bits = let\n aux 0 _ = []\n aux b i = (fromIntegral i) : (aux (b-1) (div i 256))\n in" ++ " aux bits\n\n-- Font helper\n\n-- [colors for each char] -> string to render -> field of colors, 0 for background\ntextToField :: [Integer] -> String " ++ "-> [[Integer]]\ntextToField c s = let\n zipFirstNWith :: (a -> b -> b) -> [a] -> [b] -> [b]\n zipFirstNWith f = let\n aux [] bs = bs\n " ++ " aux (a:as) (b:bs) = (f a b) : (aux as bs)\n in aux\n prependText :: [Integer] -> String -> [[Integer]] -> [[Integer]]\n prependText _ " ++ "\"\" r = r\n prependText ( _:cols) ('\\n':t) r = prependText cols t $ [0] : (replicate lettersH [0]) ++ r\n prependText (col:cols) (c :t) r =" ++ " prependText cols t $ zipFirstNWith (:) (replicate lettersH 0) $ zipFirstNWith (++) (map (map $ bool 0 col) $ decodeLetter c) r\n fieldUnaligned = " ++ "[0] : (prependText (reverse c) (reverse s) $ replicate (lettersH+1) [0])\n width = maximum $ map length fieldUnaligned\n in map (align width 0) fi" ++ "eldUnaligned\n\ndecodeLetter :: Char -> [[Bool]]\ndecodeLetter c = let\n decodeLetterAux :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [[Bool]]\n decodeLetterAux x y " ++ "b = let\n (d,r) = divMod b 2\n (s:t) = if x /= (letterW c) - 1 then decodeLetterAux (x+1) y d else if y /= lettersH - 1 then []:(decodeL" ++ "etterAux 0 (y+1) d) else [[]]\n in ((r /= 0):s):t\n in decodeLetterAux 0 0 $ lettersB !! letterI c\n\nletterI :: Char -> Int\nletterI c = fromMa" ++ "ybe (error (\"Did not find '\" ++ c : \"' in the font\")) $ findIndex (==ord c) lettersC\n\nletterW :: Char -> Int\nletterW c = lettersW !! letterI c" ++ "\n\n-- String manipulation\n\nsplitIntoLines :: String -> String\nsplitIntoLines s = if length s < 150 then s else (let\n correctEscapes :: (String" ++ ", String) -> (String, String)\n correctEscapes (a,b)\n | last a == '\\\\' = correctEscapes (init a, '\\\\':b)\n | otherwise = (a,b)\n " ++ "(a, b) = correctEscapes $ splitAt 150 s\n in a ++ \"\\\" ++\\n \\\"\" ++ (splitIntoLines b))\n\nescape :: String -> String\nescape = concatMap (\\c " ++ "-> if c == '\\\\' then \"\\\\\\\\\" else if c == '\"' then \"\\\\\\\"\" else if c == '\\n' then \"\\\\n\" else [c])\n\n-- Helper functions\n\ndecodeBa" ++ "seBE :: (Integral a, Integral b) => b -> [a] -> b\ndecodeBaseBE b = let\n aux r [] = r\n aux r (d:ds) = aux (r * b + fromIntegral d) ds\n in aux" ++ " 0\n\nindexOf :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Maybe Int\nindexOf a [] = Nothing\nindexOf a (b:bs) = if isPrefixOf a (b:bs) then Just 0 else maybe Nothing (Ju" ++ "st . (+1)) (indexOf a bs)\n\nalign :: Integral a => a -> b -> [b] -> [b]\nalign a d = let\n aux i as\n | a == i = aux 0 as\n | null as = " ++ "if i == 0 then [] else d : aux (i+1) []\n | otherwise = let (f:t) = as in f : aux (i+1) t\n in aux 0\n\nchunk :: Integral a => a -> [b] -> [[b]]" ++ "\nchunk _ [] = []\nchunk c as = let\n aux i as\n | c == i = if null as then [[]] else ([] : aux 0 as)\n | null as = [[]]\n | otherwi" ++ "se = let (f:t) = as; (r:rs) = aux (i+1) t in (f:r):rs\n in aux 0 as\n\nfirstPrefixOfNotFollowedBy :: Eq a => [[a]] -> [a] -> [a] -> Maybe [a]\nfirstP" ++ "refixOfNotFollowedBy [] _ _ = Nothing\nfirstPrefixOfNotFollowedBy (b:bs) n as = if isPrefixOf b as && not (elem (head (drop (length b) as)) n) then Ju" ++ "st b else firstPrefixOfNotFollowedBy bs n as\n\n-- Constants\n\nlettersH = 8\nlettersC = [32, 97, 65, 98, 66, 99, 67, 100, 68, 101, 69, 102, 70, 103, " ++ "71, 104, 72, 105, 73, 106, 74, 107, 75, 108, 76, 109, 77, 110, 78, 111, 79, 112, 80,\n 113, 81, 114, 82, 115, 83, 116, 84, 117, 85, 118, 86, 119, 87," ++ " 120, 88, 121, 89, 122, 90, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 33, 63, 44, 46, 59, 58, 39,\n 34, 47, 124, 92, 95, 40, 41, 91, 93, 123, 125, 60, " ++ "62, 64, 35, 36, 38, 43, 45, 42, 61, 94, 176, 37, 167]\nlettersW = [3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 3, 2, 3, 3, 3, 2, 3, 5, 5, 3," ++ " 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 3, 3,\n 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 1, 3, 3, 2, 2," ++ " 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 3, 5, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3]\nlettersB = [0, 253208, 187374, 252761, 252907, 234096, 234062, 252788, 121707, 204656, 234191," ++ " 77460, 37582, 7592816, 252494, 187225, 187373, 61, 238743,\n 27298, 117031, 186185, 187117, 2389, 234057, 727373152, 593155759, 187224, 187243, 1217" ++ "12, 121710, 2481016, 37615, 9689968, 1170286, 37488, 187119, 118384,\n 117198, 75218, 74903, 252776, 252781, 88936, 88941, 358274592, 358274737, 1857" ++ "04, 185517, 7560040, 75117, 234808, 234663, 121710, 238746, 234787, 116963,\n 149933, 116943, 219854, 75047, 121518, 118123, 47, 66851, 96, 32, 100, " ++ "36, 3, 45, 38052, 63, 148617, 229376, 9558, 6825, 13655, 15019, 1122964, 338065,\n 139936, 43144, 1008654126, 368389098, 642674, 748325026, 11904, 35" ++ "84, 21824, 29120, 336, 170, 136456, 949198]\n\nprogramSourcePre =\n \"MARKER\"\n\n{-TTEW-}\n" {-TTEW-}