{- The game of Hangman Works only for GHCi, not GHC (due to differences in buffering mode) Requires a Unix terminal window (for Windows users: use PuTTY to connect to a unix machine) -} -- Some terminal output primitives defined via control characters clear_screen :: IO() clear_screen = putStr "\ESC[2J" type Pos = (Int,Int) goto :: Pos -> IO() goto (x,y) = putStr ("\ESC[" ++ show y ++ ";" ++ show x ++ "H") writeAt :: Pos -> String -> IO() writeAt p xs = do goto p putStr xs -- The game itself -- main function hang :: IO () hang = do putStr "Input secret word: " word <- getWord "" clear_screen guess word hang -- input secret word getWord xs = do x <- getChar if x `elem` "\n" then return xs else do putStr "\b-" -- backspace to overwrite echoed input getWord (xs ++ [x]) -- sequence of guesses guess :: String -> IO () guess word = loop "" "" gallows where loop :: String -> String -> [String] -> IO() loop guessed missed gals = do let word' = map (\x -> if x `elem` guessed then x else '-') word writeAt (1,1) (head gals ++ "\n" ++ "Word: " ++ word' ++ "\nMissed: " ++ missed ++ "\n") if length gals == 1 then putStrLn ("YOU ARE DEAD: " ++ word) else if word' == word then putStrLn "YOU WIN!" else do c <- getChar let ok = c `elem` word loop (if ok then c:guessed else guessed) (if ok then missed else missed ++ [c]) (if ok then gals else tail gals) -- ASCII art gallows :: [String] gallows = map unlines gallowss gallowss :: [[String]] gallowss = [ ["", "| ", "| ", "| ", "| ", "|"], ["_____", "| ", "| ", "| ", "| ", "|"], ["_____", "|/ ", "| ", "| ", "| ", "|"], ["_____", "|/ |", "| ", "| ", "| ", "|"], ["_____", "|/ |", "| 0", "| ", "| ", "|"], ["_____", "|/ |", "| 0", "| |", "| ", "|"], ["_____", "|/ |", "| 0", "| /|", "| ", "|"], ["_____", "|/ |", "| 0", "| /|\\", "| ", "|"], ["_____", "|/ |", "| 0", "| /|\\", "| / ", "|"], ["_____", "|/ |", "| 0", "| /|\\", "| / \\", "|"] ]